The third film produced by Shaan Creations International is named "AMBAR". AMBAR is the story of three young advocates in their journey as the beginning of their careers. A story based on real life events with lots of drama, comedy and suspense.
Read MoreThis film is based on real life events about suicide among youngsters. Why are these youngsters so susceptible to suicide? Are there certain aspects in our society that need more attention? Or are these youngsters not well equipped to handle the modern day hustle and bustle?
Read More"Colors of Life" is a film based on a real life story as well, dealing with the consequences of hiv/aids among the young generation in our society. The film also addresses the attitude of the elders towards this deadly illness, which is equally important in fighting the illness.
Read MoreSHAAN CREATIONS INTERNATIONAL is al sinds 1992 bezig in Suriname met vernieuwende sociaal maatschappelijke projecten met een zekere meerwaarde voor de gemeenschap. De educatieve themafilms, de onderwijsvernieuwende schoolprojecten, de opvoedings- en begeleidingstrainingen etc. zijn allemaal activiteiten die Suriname nodig heeft. Daar spreken wij met lof over en hebben wij grote waardering voor. Daar zijn wij dankbaar voor. <---------> SHAAN CREATIONS INTERNATIONAL has been active since 1992 in Suriname with valuable communal projects for the society. The educational movies, the innovative educational school projects, the tailor-made trainings in upbringing and coaching etc. are all activities which are a great welcome for Suriname. We speak highly of this and we greatly appreciate it. We are grateful for that.